
How to translate NPC Adventures to other languages

Where to found translation files

Since NPC Adventures is fragmented as components, they need be translated standalone. The core DLL contains their own i18n folder with json files containing translation dictionary. Content Patcher component can be translated by add translation CP patches ito a subfolder.

  • Core mod (DLL) -> i18n JSON localized files in folder NpcAdventure/i18n
  • Content Patcher component -> Individual CP json files placed in [CP] NPC Adventures/Locale/{{language}}
  • Quests (QF component) -> i18n JSON localized files in folder [QF] NPC Adventures/i18n

Translating core mod (DLL)

Create a JSON file with your i18n localization in subfolder NpcAdventure/i18n. See NpcAdventure/i18n/default.json to what is available for translate. Follow instructions for i18n translations in SMAPI.

Translating Content Patcher component

Create file [CP] NPC Adventures/Locale/{{language}}/content.json where replace {{language}} to your desired language code in SMAPI's i18n system. and define your CP patches which translates NPCA content to your desired language. To get what is available for translate explore the CP component files. Follow Content Patcher documentation for more details.

Translating quests (QF component)

Create a JSON file with your i18n localization in subfolder [QF] NPC Adventures/i18n. See NpcAdventure/i18n/default.json to what is available for translate. Follow instructions for i18n translations in SMAPI and Quest Framework translation guide.